Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December 2021 Newsletter

Want to get involved, see the space, or just curious about what's going on?

Here's what's up with the Che Cafe for December! We don't stop when quarter ends! 

Feel free to email us (info@checafe.org) with any questions, or if you would like to volunteer! The Che Cafe is a fully volunteer space. Anyone can volunteer, and volunteers are not charged an admission fee!

Update: UCSD's current guidance has changed to allow indoor events. However, as of right now, indoor events must have masked performers. For this reason, the majority of our shows will remain outside until further notice. Please be respectful.

Upcoming for December!

Dec 2: Acapella and Duly Noted Performance - 8pm to 10pm
Genre: Acapella singing groups
Contact: acamazing@ucsd.edu, ucsddulynoted@gmail.com
RSVP: https://forms.gle/d8KGp85rrVJfta5r8
Note: This is a joint event with Acamazing and Duly Noted student orgs. If your student org would like to get in touch with us to use our space, please just send a request to checafe@ucsd.edu!

Dec 12 (Joanna Fuhrman, Charles Borkhuis, + Rick Snyder) - 4pm
Genre: Poetry
RSVP: https://forms.gle/j4eb3GUxoLRDETxaA
Charles Borkhuis is a poet and playwright living in San Diego. His 10 books of poetry include Dead Ringer and Finely Tuned Static. He is the winner of the 2021 James Tate International Prize for Poetry and was a finalist for the W.C. Williams Book Award.
Joanna Fuhrman is the author of six books of poetry, including To a New Era (Hanging Loose Press, 2021), The Year of Yellow Butterflies (Hanging Loose Press, 2016), and Pageant (Alice James Books, 2009). She teaches creative and multimedia writing at Rutgers University.
Rick Snyder is the author of Here City (Parlor Press, 2021), Escape from Combray (Ugly Duckling, 2009), and six chapbooks. He currently lives in Long Beach, CA, and is an assistant teaching professor in the Classics Department at the University of California, Irvine.

Dec 17 - Trevor Project Charity Show!
Rain on Fridays, Andres W. and Friends, 2:01 AM, Snack Pack
Genre: Indie rock/Alt-Rock
Note: All proceeds to this event will go to the Trevor Project

Dec 18 - Chalk Talk, Sands, Cherrys, Ingredient 10, The Renters

Genre: Alt-Rock/Indie Rock
Presale: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/5314340

Dec 19: Shiva, Sissy Fit, Glean, Sparkler, Headcount
Genre: Hardcore
Presale: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/5317624

Dec 30: Girl Pusher, Mannequin, Pesimista, Gunshot Wound, Negative Blast
Genre: Hardcore
Stay tuned for an official announcement later on our IG (@thechecafe) for more info!


JAN 1 2022




Stay tuned for an official announcement

later in the month on our IG (@thechecafe) for more info!

Recurring Events

Wednesdays at 7pm - Music Appreciation

Weekly Virtual Event for anyone interested in listening to and discussing music, socializing and meeting new people!

Especially for those who cannot always make it out to in-person events.

These meetings occur even when UCSD Quarter is not in session.

Study Hours

Our space is open for all to use to study - Mon - Thurs 1-6pm! (Week 2-10, possibly exam week!) - Note: There will be no regular study hours after Exam Week until Winter Quarter in January 2022

Come enjoy the secluded courtyard, surrounded by eucalyptus, hang out with your friends, study, or attend your remote classes away from central campus.

Just South of Galbraith Hall in Revelle College.

General Meetings

This is where the magic happens. Interested in really participating in our decision-making process?

The Che Cafe is a non-hierarchical collective of volunteers. We're always looking for new members!

These meetings occur even when UCSD Quarter is not in session.

Every Wednesday at 5pm - Civil Discourse Club (Free)
(Note: There will be no regular study hours after Exam Week until Winter Quarter in January 2022)

Come talk to other students about pressing topics and events.

Get more information here: https://www.instagram.com/civildiscourseclub_ucsd/ and join the discord server here! https://linktr.ee/civildiscourseclub_ucsd



Map: https://goo.gl/maps/TWfp3FZBE9p5sYrr7

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/855962420?pwd=TENJVzNkaTVUamIwN21hQ3h5eE04dz09

Ticket Presale: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/profile/259998

Keep an eye out for announcements in the month of January!

Follow us on IG for the latest announcements, or come to meetings to participate in the event planning!

Radically yours,

The Che Cafe Collective